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This page contains answers to common questions pertaining to Reports and the Report Manager.


bulletReport Margins and adjusting them
bulletWhere do I enter a Date Range filter for a Giving report?
bulletWhere are the Postal Bar Codes?
bulletCan I share Report Filters across a LAN?
bulletHow do I alphabetize a Report?
bulletHow do I get a list of all individuals with birthdays or anniversaries in a particular month?
bulletHow do I reinitialize the Report Manager filters to take advantage of the latest features?
bulletI am using FaxTalk Messanger 4.5 and I can't print to PDF or HTML files. Is there a fix?
bulletI have a person that I just can't get to print out on any reports. How do I fix this?
bulletHow do I use Postage $aver for low cost bulk mail processing?


I have noticed in some reports the left margin is different on different printers.

The reports default that way so that they will work on just about any printer. All the reports are designed to work on the most industry 'printer 'standard out there, which is considered a HP III as far as how the reports line up.

In the Report Manager, if you will select the Options Tab you can 'nudge' the left margin over by using the margin item that is available on that page. You will need to set this item each time its needed, as you will probably not need or desire to do this with all reports.

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 Where do I Enter a Date Range filter for a Giving report?

As an example, select the 'Fund Summary' report in the Report Manager, then press the 'Simple Filter', and set a filter for the Giving Date with an 'operator' of 'between two values' and enter like 01/01/2003 to 03/30/2003 for the values.  You could also set the same filter in the 'Quick Filter' or the 'Existing Filter' options as well.... but the 'Simple Filter' is a couple less steps.

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Where are the Postal Bar Codes?

Select any 2 column laser label, then press the 'Report Settings' push button to turn barcode on. If this doesn't work, and you are on a Windows 2000/XP Pro machine, it means when you installed the software you did not have 'administration' rights to install a printer font. So, if this is the case have your system administrator correct this and re-install the application from us.

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Can I share Report Filters across a LAN ?

There are 13 files in the C:\Program Files\Specialty Software\ComsWin folder that are titled with the following wildcards: QM_*.* If you copy ALL 13 of this from your workstation to the other workstation and overwrite all 13 of theirs, they will have your filters.  Also, some of your users might prefer to use the 'Simple Filter' push button that is a no-brainer.

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How do I alphabetize a Report ?

In the Report Manager, Step 6 allows you to set a sort. However, if this item is not selectable it means the particular report should not (or can not) be sorted - an example would be a Telephone Directory which should always be in alpha order.

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How do I get a list of all individuals with birthdays or anniversaries in a particular month?

At the Report Manager (pull down File and select Reports...) select the People Form and then set a Simple Filter for a 'Field' of Birthday or Anniversary, and an 'Operator' of Month.

Also, this same procedure works for any date field!

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How do I reinitialize the Report Manager filters to take advantage of the latest features?

The filters are occasionally changed as new features are added. When you download and apply an update, your existing filters are not overwritten. However, you are not able to take advantage of the enhancements that have been made until your old ones are overwritten with the new ones. To reinitialize your filters to take advantage of the new ones, pull down the Tools menu, select Maintenance Procedures, press the Re-initialize tab, then press the Default Filters push button.

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 I am using FaxTalk Messanger 4.5 and I can't print to PDF or HTML files. Is there a fix?

The problem occurs because FaxTalk Messenger 4.5 prevents the special PDF, HTML, etc.,  or any other printer from accessing the FILE: port. There are two workarounds for this problem: Upgrade to the latest version 6.0 or later of FaxTalk Messenger, or Disable FaxTalk Messenger 4.5 when generating PDF's, HTML's, etc.

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 I have a person that I just can't get to print out on any reports. How do I fix this?

If you can see the Person in question in the Family and People form - but you can't get them to print out in any report, you might have corruption in this persons record. To correct this, open the Family & People Form - then find the Family which this person belongs to, then pull down the People menu and select Repair Family Table. This will allow you to re-initialize the Family address and phones and in the process correct corruption that might be found in this persons record. You will not have to re-enter a new address or phone number when you do this.

Please note this might not fix the problem - as they problem could be you setting an incorrect filter (such as NumberID = 400 whereas this persons NumberID is actually 401). However, if you are positive that your filter is correct and the person just doesn't appear in any reports, then there is a very good chance this will correct that record.

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 How do I use Postage $aver for low cost bulk mail processing?

Postage $aver is a very inexpensive product (around $50) that sorts your labels so that you will receive big $$$ bulk mail savings at the US Postal Service.  Postage $aver requires a program such as COMS to print your labels and manage your addresses.  Although Postage $aver is not a Specialty Software product, we have integrated it within COMS. If you do not already have this product, you can order it through Specialty Software for a low cost. If you already have a copy of Postage $aver, we can activate it to work within the COMS for a small fee of $25.

To use Postage $aver, when you are in the COMS Report Manger, select Labels. Next to the "Select the Sort" option check the item that says "Use Postage $aver." When you print or preview the labels you will see the Postage $aver wizard from within the COMS program where you are able to enter required postal information (permit numbers, etc.) and print the required postal forms, tags, etc.

Remember that when you are using the Postage $aver feature, your records will be sorted by Postage $aver (regardless if you have sorted your labels in another manner within the COMS).

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Last modified: 09/13/08.