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This page contains answers to common questions pertaining to Username and Passwords.


bulletIs a Username required when I enter the COMS for Windows application?
bulletHow do I setup the Security system with new Usernames and passwords?
bulletHow do I allow a person to just view data and not make any changes?
bulletDo I need to download anything for the Security system to work?
bulletI locked myself out of the COMS because I didn't do the password correctly.


Is a Username required when I enter the COMS for Windows application?

Yes, the COMS for Windows version 8 does require a Username. Be sure you print out the ReadMe.txt when you first install the application as this document contains the default Username. Without this you can not enter the application. If you do not wish to use a Username you can just continue to use this default one found in the ReadMe.txt  for as long as you wish. If you use the default Username you do not have to use a Password.

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How do I setup the Security system with new Usernames and Passwords?

In the COMS v.8.x application, select the File menu, then select Administration... Edit User Accounts. Press the Users tab, then select within the grid the 'Administrator' Username. Next, press the Add... pushbutton and the User Properties form appears.

On the User Properties form enter a Username (this is the username that the user will be prompted for when entering the COMS application) - and its best for this to be a short word with no spaces - such as Jim. In the Fullname field enter the name of the user such as Jim Alexander, and enter an optional Description if you wish. Press the Password tab, then press the Set Password if you wish for this person to be required to enter a password upon entry into the COMS application. Make any other changes to this tab if you wish. Press the Group Memberships tab - and in the 'Member of' list you will see that 'Administrators' is within that list. If you remove this item, then this user will not be able to assign-edit-delete Username and passwords for anyone (unless you grant them this privilege in the Privileges tab). It is IMPERATIVE that at least one person has this option of Administrators - so we recommend you leave the default Administrator with this ability. However, you can add a password to the Administrator if you wish so that only selected people can get into this option. Press the Privileges tab, and you can then move to the Granted column what you would like the user to be allowed to do. You can grant selected people the 'Administrator' which would then allow that person access to the Security system.

If you grant a person the 'View Data Only' item, he will not be able to make changes to any of the Forms. However, if you give this person access to Maintenance Items, etc., he is able to perform those functions. So, the norm would be to give this user access to just selected Forms and Reports.

If you grant a person 'All' they can do anything within the system - except have access to the Security system. So, a person granted 'All' would still need to be granted 'Administrator' if you wish them to have this ability.

If you are just granting a person access to select reports, such as 'People Reports', you also need to grant them the 'Report Manager' as well.

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How do I allow a person to just view data and not make any changes?

Follow the information found in the above topic 'How do I setup the Security system with new Username and passwords.' Then, grant a person the 'View Data Only' item and he will not be able to make changes to any of the Forms. However, if you give this person access to Maintenance Items, he is able to perform those functions. So, the norm would be to give this user access to just selected Forms and Reports.

As an example, for a person to be able to just view the Family & People Form and its related reports, you would grant them the following privileges: 'View Data Only', 'Family-People Form', 'Family Reports', 'People Reports', and 'Report Manager.'

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Do I need to download anything for the Security system to work?

The Security system was fully activated in version 8.31 (which was posted to this web site and on CD's shipped on or after June 21, 2003). On this date changes were made to three files: AppReg01.DBF, AppReg01.FPT, and AppReg01.CDX which dramatically effect the Security system with additional features. An older version of these three files are already found in the ComsData folder on your computer (or server if you are using the LAN version).

If you are a brand new user of the COMS version 8.x and received your software after June 21, 2003 - then the correct version of these three files are already within your ComsData folder - and no additional steps are required on your part.

However, if you received your software prior to June 21, 2003 (regardless if it was by CD or a download from this web site) - and you do plan on using the Security system, then you need to download these three files from our web site and save them into your ComsData folder.

If you do not plan on using the Security system, then it is NOT necessary to download these 3 files (but if you decide in the future to use the Security system - or you think there is a possibility that you might use the Security system in the future, then you should download these 3 files).

Click here to go to the download page, to download the three required files.


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I locked myself out of the COMS because I didn't do the password correctly.

If you download the three files found in the following link, it will  reset the Security system back to the original factory default.

Click here to go to the download page, to download the three required files.



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