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This page contains answers to common questions pertaining to Giving and Pledges.


bulletFor Pledges, where do I activate them and  enter their Default settings?
bulletHow Do I skip the Time, and Check# Fields when entering Giving?
bulletWhere is the Donor Tax Statement?
bulletHow Do I enter a new Category?
bulletIs there a global place to set the Pledge Fiscal or Calendar Year?
bulletHow Do I print the giving that I have just entered into the Enter Giving form?
bulletHow Do I enter a Giving amount that was given before the beginning period of a Pledge?
bulletHow Do I enter Giving by Envelope Number?
bulletHow Do I modify the unposted Giving report?
bulletHow Do I delete a giving item in the Enter Giving form?
bulletHow Do I enter a person 'on the fly' while working in the Enter Giving form?
bulletWith Pledges Activated, where are all the categories when I am working in the Enter Giving Form?
bulletSomeone gave our church Stocks. How do I handle this?
bulletHow can I add or change the message that prints on the Giving Tax Statement or other Giving Reports?
bulletHow do I get the yearly Tax Receipts statement to printout a Receipt Number?
bulletCan you tell me Step by Step how to Setup Pledges for the first time?


Where do I activate and set default settings for pledges?

With the Family & People Form open, pull down the 'People' menu and select the Pledge Settings... option. You will need to come here in future years to change these settings.

You can also just 'activate' the use of pledges by pulling down the 'Tools' menu and selecting Properties.

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How Do I skip the Time, and Check# Fields when entering Giving?

Just move the Columns of any field you want to bypass to the right of the Amount Column..

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Where is the Donor Tax Statement?

It is there - but not active so you can't get to it. This was done so that no one would 'accidentally' use this by mistake for tax year 2002 - as it is different. That is why the readme said all donations for tax year 2002 must be printed in the prior version. The new Tax Report not only deals with Cash-Checks, but also Goods, Services, etc. which were not a part of the prior system. I just saw the new IRS info for year 2003 and that report will again be modified to take that into consideration as well. It will be posted in a few weeks on the web site, and also everyone will receive that and all the changes on the courtesy CD.

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How do I Enter a new Category?

Several ways: (1)While in the Enter Giving form, pull down the Giving Menu and select the 'Giving or Pledge Category...' option. (2) While in the Family & People Form, select the People pull down menu and then select the 'Customize Drop Down List' option. (3) While in the Giving Form, right click on the Category and select the 'Add/Edit Defaults' option. (4) While in the Enter Groups form pull down the Groups Menu and select 'Giving or Pledge Category...' option.

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Is there a global place to set the Pledge Fiscal or Calendar Year?

With the Family & People Form open, pull down the 'People' menu and select the Pledge Settings... option. You will need to come here in future years to change these setting.

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How do I print the Giving that I have just entered in the Enter Giving Form?

On the form you actually entered the Giving on, there is a pushbutton that looks like a Printer. Press it - and you will see 2 reports - 1 a detailed list, and the 2nd one a summary list. You can Preview them on the screen, then just press the little Printer button on the Preview toolbar to actually print it if you wish.

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How do I enter a Giving amount that was received before the beginning period of a pledge?

This is far superior in COMS v.8.x as this version enforces you to set up a pledge for a person ‘if pledges are activated.' The old version 5.x would just 'create a pledge form on the fly' if one wasn't there. So, if a person gives but is not part of a pledge you can create a pledge form for that person - and either check 'Giving only (no pledge data)' if it is not a true pledge, or leave it unchecked if it is a pledge. If you check this as being 'not a real pledge,' you can always go back at a future date - uncheck this - make it a true pledge and then enter their actual 'pledged' amounts (not the monies received, but the monies they pledged). Another nice thing about the new COMS v.8.x on this is those giving amounts will already be there in that pledge form that you had to create. The end result of all this is that it will take a little extra ‘thinking’ to make sure it is all correct up front, but then a snap in future years, etc.

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How do I Enter Giving by Envelope Number?

Type CTRL+F instead of CTRL+L and you can enter an Envelope# within a text box.

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How do I Modify the Unposted Giving Report?

At this point, that report can not be modified.

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How do I Delete a giving item in the Enter Giving form?

The normal Windows procedure to delete an item is Ctrl + D.

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How do I enter a person 'on the fly' while working in the  Enter Giving form?

Pull down the Family & People Form, and add the person (either as a new Family, or as part of an existing family). If you wish, you can then close the Family & People Form - or leave it open if you need to add additional people. When back in the Enter Giving form. Notice that you do not need to close the Enter Giving form to add new people.

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With Pledges Activated, where are all the categories when I am working in the Enter Giving Form?

When pledges are activated - the only "allowed" categories that should appear for a person you are entering a giving on in the Enter Giving Form are if you have a Pledge Form setup for that person. This is a change from the old COMS v.5.5x and makes entering pledges bullet proof in the new COMS V.8.x (as its impossible to enter a pledge to the wrong Pledge Form - unless you actually select the wrong Pledge Form category from the drop down menu). What this all means is that you must have a Pledge Form setup for a person before you can enter a giving toward it. If you do not have it setup as of yet, just press the Pledge button on the Enter Giving Form, and you can do it there. You will then notice in that Pledge Form that all 100+ Categories do appear so you can pick from any of them to properly setup the Pledge Form. As you can see, its easy to actually setup Pledge Forms at the same time you are actually Entering Giving.

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Someone gave our church Stocks. How do I handle this?

Here is what many other churches do: when entering this type of gift, use a 'Payment Type' of 'Goods' and then in the special info line that will appear titled 'Info on Goods' you can enter something like 'MSFT Stock - $9,999.99'. When the Donor Tax statement prints out, this information will also print out.

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How can I add or change the message that prints on the Giving Tax Statement or other Giving Reports?

Once in the COMS 8.x, open up the Family & People Form. There will be a menu at the top of the screen titled People. Pull down the People menu and select Giving Report Settings.

This is where you enter or change the message that is required by the IRS to print on the tax statements you give to your donars.


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How do I get the yearly Tax Receipts statement to printout a Receipt Number?

In Canada, it is required that Tax Receipts be numbered (such as the first one that prints out will read Receipt # 0001, then the next one will read Receipt # 0002, etc.)  Although this is not required in the USA, many churches have requested this feature.

This feature is only available in the yearly Tax statement, or reports that have been modified from this report. When you select the Tax statement the Report Setup form will appear. Select the checkbox that reads "Number the Receipts" and the incremental number will print out on the Tax statement.


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Can you tell me Step by Step how to Setup Pledges for the first time?

This is actually very easy. Here is a step by step procedure.

 1) When using the COMS, you either have pledges activated or not. If they are activated they need to always be activated. We will assume that pledges are activated.

 2) We will use the category GF Giving Fund as an example, and assume 1/2 your people are part of the GF pledge (which means they have 'pledged' to give a certain amount of dollars toward the GF as a pledge). The other half will also give towards GF but have not designated how much.

 3) In order for those that are part of the pledge, and those that have not pledged to give monies toward the GF, you must setup a Pledge Form. This is practically automatic and easy.

 4) Pull down the Enter Groups Form and select Pledges. You will be able to select the Category GF from the drop down list. If it is not there, just pull down the Groups menu at the top of the screen and select "Giving or Pledge Category..." and then add GF General Fund.

 5) Next, in the list of people you see in the Enter Groups Form select the people who have decided to be a part of the Pledge to the GF and check them. You can use the Check All and Uncheck All to help with this as needed. Enter the Pledge Year and then hit Default. A default Pledge Form will appear. Fill this out as accurately as you can, especially the part about the beginning and ending pledge dates. If everyone is actually pledging a different amount (which is usually the case) you can leave the pledge amounts as 0.00, or perhaps most people pledge the same amount – and if they do enter that amount. You will eventually need to update each person’s Pledge Form with the correct Pledge Amount. However, you can do that later at a more convenient time. Press Apply to make sure it looks correctly, and if it does press OK. Press Apply and follow the on screen instructions to create the actual Pledge Form for these people.

 6) That’s it! You can now Enter Giving for GF for these people.

 7) Now let’s deal with the people who are not a true Pledger, but will give to the GF at some point. Repeat steps 1 to 4 above. Step 5 is almost the same except you need to press the ‘Default’ button on the Enter Groups form to bring up the default Pledge Form again. Since this person is NOT a pledger for GF you need to check the item that is called  either “Giving Only (no Pledge Data) or Donation Only (no Pledge Data). This is flagging this person as a potential giver but not a pledger. Press Apply and OK. Select the people who are not Pledgers in the list. You could even Check All if you wish and everyone who is not a pledger will be flagged a non-pledger (which is what you want). Notice that those you have setup as Pledgers in step 5 above will not be over-written even if you select them now as a non-pledger.

8) You are now done! You can now repeat the above procedure for additional Categories (such as BF, etc., etc.).

9) Eventually you will need to massage the Pledge Form of those who are actual pledgers. The quickest place to do this is on the Enter Giving Form right before you actually enter a giving amount. Once you have found the person with the Lookup button in the Enter Giving Form, you can then press the Pledge button and enter the actual amount of the pledge, etc. When finished, you can close the Pledge Form and then actually enter their regular weekly Giving, etc. If you don’t want to do this in the Enter Giving Form, you could just as easily do this in the Family & People Form. You find a person who is a pledger, then press the Pledge button and enter their pledge amount, etc. Note: you do not have to do anything additional for those who are non-pledgers!


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