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This page contains answers to common questions pertaining to the Family & People Form.


bulletBirthday List - How do you get a birthday list for a particular month?
bulletHow do I setup Mailing Group or Location drop down menu's on the Family & People Form?
bulletWhere do I enter Cell phone numbers for people within a family?
bulletHow do I move a person from one family to a different family?
bulletHow do I move a person to a new family that does not yet exist?
bulletA person I moved from a prior family still has his old family address - phones in reports.
bulletHow do I Add new items to a drop down menu (like the Mailing Group, Location, Status, etc.)?
bulletHow do I set a filter for Mailing Group when printing a Family or People Report?
bulletHow do I globally Un Mark the Mark field?
bulletSomehow I had some data corruption that damaged an address - its now grayed out.


How do you get a birthday list for a particular month?

At the Report Manager (pull down File and select Reports...) select the People Form and then set a Simple Filter for a month for birthday.

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How do I setup Mailing Group or Location drop down menu's on the Family & People Form?

This is explained in the Introductory Video - Friends Form. You either Right Click on those drop down fields, or pull down the People Menu and select Customize Drop Down List.

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Where do I enter Cell phone numbers for people within a Family?

This info is entered in the Family & People Form in the lower Gen Tab, toward the bottom... press the little icon that looks like a Rotary Telephone.

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How do I move a person from one family to a different family?

In the Family & People Form, select the family you would like to move the person to (in your situation, it was a divorced person but it could just as easily been someone who was getting married to another person, etc.). Then pull down the People menu and select the 'Move person to a this family...' option and find the person that you would like to move to the currently selected Family, press ENTER and they are now part of the new family. The only other item to consider is in the lower Gen tab - look at the 'Family Order' drop down, and make sure the new family (and the old one as well) have the correct Family Order for each person. The most important thing about this is that each family should have only one person with a Family Order (sequence) of 1. You might also check the family this person was moved from to also make sure their Family Order is correct also (because they now have one less person in the family). Finally, if the person that you moved to the new family was the 'only' person in the family you moved them from, you should delete their old family - as there is now no individuals part of that Family Form.

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How do I move a person to a new family that does not yet exist?

You must Add a new Family - as the new family does not yet exist which you will be moving a person to. After you Add and Save the new family, click on the person that is in the list in the lower left hand portion of the Family & People Form and then press the Delete button ( this button is right above the list).  You might be required to press CTRL+S to save this Family form after you have deleted the one person in this new family. At this point you have a new Family - but there are no people in this family - so you are now ready to move a person from another family to this new family. To do this, follow the procedure as explained above in the 'How do I move a person from one family to a different family.'

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A person I moved from a prior family still has his old family address - phones in reports.

If you are using version 8.31 or higher, then you will not experience this on any new people you move from one family to a new or different family. 99% of user's never experienced this problem, but the programmers have tightened up the code so this will not ever happen again. If you have a person that is part of a family, but when you print out a report their old family address or phones still print out - this can easily be corrected. Go to the Family & People Form of the person in question, then click on their name in the lower left hand corner list box. Then on the lower Gen tab, press the little icon that looks like a rotary phone and it will bring up a dialog titled Telephone Form. Press the OK button on this form. Next, press the Family tab and then press the button titled 'Override Family Address' and a form will appear titled Mailing Form. Press the OK button.

This person's address and phones for reports has now been updated and corrected for the new family. If you have other people with the same problem, just repeat this simple procedure.

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How do I Add new items to a drop down menu (like the Mailing Group, Location, Status, etc.)?

Several ways: (1) While in the Family & People Form, select the People pull down menu and then select the 'Customize Drop Down List' option. (2) While in the Family & People Form, right click on nearly any drop down list and select the 'Add/Edit Defaults' option.

These options were explained in the Introductory Friends video.

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How do I set a filter for Mailing Group when printing a Family or People Report?

This is actually two different filters as the Family Form has a Mailing Group field, and the People Form section also has a Mailing Group field. In the Report Manager filter (Simple, Existing, or Quick Filter) the filter selection for a Family Form report would be Family Mailing Group and the selection for a People Form report would be Personal Mailing Group. As an example, if you are setting a filter for the Family Form Mailing Group, you would select the Family Mailing Group selection.

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How do I globally Un Mark the Mark field?

Pull down the Tools menu, select Maintenance Procedures..., press the Global Tab. There you are able to Un Mark the check that is found in the Family & People Form, Friends Form, Pledge Form, etc.

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Somehow I had some data corruption that damaged an address - its now grayed out.

After you have the Family & People Form open - find the Family or person with the address or phone problem, then pull down the People menu and select Repair Family Table. This will allow you to delete the address  (and optionally phones) for this person and family, and enter a new one. This file is now fixed.

Its nearly impossible for this problem to occur, but a power outage or lightning strike can damage a table, as well as a hardware glitch, etc. Also, the programmers tightened up the program code even more in May 2003 to help with this issue. Make sure your computer is also on a UPS (a battery backup system).

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Last modified: 09/13/08.